Complete Super Solutions has developed a complimentary SMSF administration service, using proprietary software and onshore accountancy talent, which provides a seamless outsourced solution for accountancy practices.
The administration of a SMSF can be complex and varies for each SMSF. At the very least, administration of these funds is arduous and extremely time-consuming. More and more accountancy practices are looking at the cost/reward equation and questioning whether this sector is as attractive as it once was.
Stop to consider… wouldn’t it be better to outsource these tasks?
We have created a modular and flexible, white labelled, service ideal for accountancy firms. This allows the administration and completion of a draft tax return to be outsourced but retain the lodgement and control of the client relationship. Alternately you can outsource the annual administration and portfolio reconciliation and reporting and we will provide you with a pre-allocated, referenced and quality checked copy of all tax related documentation at the end of the financial year. Saving you time, and money, compared to managing the traditional ‘shoe-box’ relationship with your clients.
Complete Super Solutions can enhance your relationship with your clients, through additional online and administrative services, and maintain your profit margins without incurring the staff, systems and logistical costs.
By leveraging our experience and technology, we can assist you to grow your SMSF client base not reduce it.